11th anniversary of the Journal of Business Chemistry
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 39-2015Tackling present and future challenges of the chemical industry
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 40-2007The Takesaki equivalence relation for maximal abelian subalgebras
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 59-722012Tamilen in Sri Lanka und in Westfalen zwischen 1980 und 2010
Einfluss der Asylgesetzgebung auf die IntegrationIn: Fremde Heimat – Westfalen 1900–2010, H. Fremde Heimat – Westfalen 1900–2010, S.2013Target analysis for the adipokinetic hormone of 'Daphnia'
In: Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, H. Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, S. 1-62020Target analysis for the Cys-cluster tryptic peptide of acylated transglutaminase 1
In: Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, H. Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, S. 1-5Dezember 2019Target analysis of underivatized biogenic amines with reversed-phase chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
In: Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, H. Mercator Journal of Biomolecular Analysis, S. 1-52022