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zu den Filteroptionen19 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften → Medizin und Gesundheit → Medizin und Gesundheit
Targeted Ablation of Primary Cilia in Differentiated Dopaminergic Neurons Reduces Striatal Dopamine and Responsiveness to Metabolic Stress
Mustafa, Rasem ; Rawas, Chahinaz ; Mannal, Nadja ; Kreiner, Grzegorz ; Spittau, Björn ; Kaminska, Katarzyna ; Yilmaz, Rustem ; Potschke, Christina ; Kirsch, Joachim ; Liss, Birgit ; Tucker, Kerry L ; Parlato, RosannaIn: Antioxidants, Jg. 10 H. 82021Teachers Supporting Students with Parents Having Mental Health Problems. A Scoping Review
Bruland, Dirk ; Pinheiro, Paulo ; Bröder, Janine ; Okan, Orkan ; Carvalho, Graca S ; Saboga-Nunes, Luis ; Bond, Emma ; Wahl, Patricia ; Fretian, Alexandra ; Bauer, UllrichIn: International Journal of Case Studies, Jg. 6 H. 92017Technology-Assisted Home Care for People With Dementia and Their Relatives: Scoping Review
Palmdorf, Sarah ; Stark, Lea ; Nadolny, Stephan ; Eliaß, Gerrit ; Karlheim, Christoph ; Kreisel, Stefan H ; Gruschka, Tristan ; Trompetter, Eva ; Dockweiler, ChristophIn: JMIR Aging, Jg. 4 H. 12021Ten years onwards: Comparison of the South Eastern European regional public health strategy 2004 and the South Eastern European 2020 strategy
Laaser, UlrichIn: South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, Jg. 5 H. 12016Therapeutic Landscapes and Psychiatric Care Facilities: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
Oeljeklaus, Lydia ; Schmid, Hannah-Lea ; Kornfeld, Zachary ; Hornberg, Claudia ; Norra, Christine ; Zerbe, Stefan ; McCall, TimothyIn: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jg. 19 H. 32022Tobacco, Alcohol, and Processed Food Industries – Why Do Public Health Practitioners View Them So Differently?
Smith, Katherine ; Dorfman, Lori ; Freudenberg, Nicholas ; Hawkins, Benjamin ; Hilton, Shona ; Razum, Oliver ; Weishaar, HeideIn: Frontiers in Public Health, Jg. 42016Transdisciplinary Research Priorities for Human and Planetary Health in the Context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ebi, Kristie L ; Harris, Frances ; Sioen, Giles B ; Wannous, Chadia ; Anyamba, Assaf ; Bi, Peng ; Böckmann, Melanie ; Bowen, Kathryn ; Cisse, Gueladio ; Dasgupta, Purnamita ; Dida, Gabriel O ; Gasparatos, Alexandros ; Gatzweiler, Franz ; Javadi, Firouzeh ; Kanbara, Sakiko ; Kone, Brama ; Maycock, Bruce ; Morse, Andy ; Murakami, Takahiro ; Mustapha, Adetoun [...]In: International journal of environmental research and public health, Jg. 17 H. 232020Transient Global Amnesia (TGA): Influence of Acute Hypertension in Patients Not Adapted to Chronic Hypertension
Rogalewski, Andreas ; Beyer, Anne ; Friedrich, Anja ; Plümer, Jorge ; Zuhorn, Frédéric ; Greeve, Isabell ; Klingebiel, Randolf ; Woermann, Friedrich G. ; Bien, Christian ; Schäbitz, Wolf-RüdigerIn: Frontiers in neurology, Jg. 122021The TRANSNephro-study examining a new transition model for post-kidney transplant adolescents and an analysis of the present health care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Kreuzer, Martin ; Prüfe, Jenny ; Bethe, Dirk ; Vogel, Charlotte ; Großhennig, Anika ; Koch, Armin ; Oldhafer, Martina ; Dierks, Marie-Luise ; Albrecht, Urs-Vito ; Müther, Silvia ; Brunkhorst, Reinhard ; Pape, LarsIn: Trials, Jg. 15 H. 12014Trends in television time, non-gaming PC use and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among German adolescents 2002–2010
Bucksch, Jens ; Inchley, Joanna ; Hamrik, Zdenek ; Finne, Emily ; Kolip, PetraIn: BMC Public Health, Jg. 14 H. 12014Trendstudie zur coronaspezifischen Gesundheitskompetenz: Ergebnisse der zweiten Erhebung der HLS-COVID-19 Studie
Okan, Orkan ; Bollweg, Torsten Michael ; Bauer, Ullrich ; Hurrelmann, Klaus ; Janner, Christina ; Schaeffer, Doris2021Two-Part Models and Quantile Regression for the Analysis of Survey Data With a Spike. The Example of Satisfaction With Health Care
Sauzet, Odile ; Razum, Oliver ; Widera, Teresia ; Brzoska, PatrickIn: Frontiers in Public Health, Jg. 72019