22 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Pflanzen (Botanik) KlassifikationSchliessenFilter2
zu den Filteroptionen22 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Pflanzen (Botanik)
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- Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
- Pflanzen (Botanik)
- Pflanzen (Botanik)
- Einzelne Themen in der Naturgeschichte
- Pflanzen mit spezifischen Merkmalen und Blüten
- Magnoliopsida (Zweikeimblättrige)
- Liliopsida (Einkeimblättrige)
- Gymnospermae (Nacktsamer); Coniferae (Nadelgehölze)
- Cryptogamia (Blütenlose Pflanzen)
- Pteridophyta (Farnpflanzen)
- Bryophyta (Moose)
Accurate and robust phylogeny estimation based on profile distances: a study of the Chlorophyceae (Chlorophyta)
Müller, Tobias ; Rahmann, Sven ; Dandekar, Thomas ; Wolf, MatthiasIn: BMC Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 4 H. 1Am Puls des Lebens: Biologische Zeitmessung bei Arabidopsis thaliana
Staiger, DorotheeIn: BIOforum, Jg. 28, S. 53-55Clockwork green – the circadian oscillator in Arabidopsis
Schöning, Jan C. ; Streitner, Corinna ; Staiger, DorotheeIn: Biological Rhythm Research, Jg. 37 H. 4, S. 335-352Comparative genomics of Arabidopsis and maize: prospects and limitations
Brendel, Volker ; Kurtz, Stefan ; Walbot, VirginiaIn: Genome Biology, Jg. 3 H. 3Comparative proteomics of chloroplast envelopes from C(3) and C(4) plants reveals specific adaptations of the plastid envelope to C(4) photosynthesis and candidate proteins required for maintaining C(4) metabolite fluxes
Bräutigam, Andrea ; Hofmann-Benning, Susanne ; Weber, Andreas P. M.In: Plant Physiology, Jg. 148 H. 1, S. 568-579Comparative Proteomics of Chloroplast Envelopes from C-3 and C-4 Plants Reveals Specific Adaptations of the Plastid Envelope to C-4 Photosynthesis and Candidate Proteins Required for Maintaining C-4 Metabolite Fluxes (vol 148, pg 568, 2008)
Bräutigam, Andrea ; Hoffmann-Benning, Susanne ; Weber, Andreas P. M.In: Plant Physiology, Jg. 148 H. 3, S. 1734 ff.EST-analysis of the thermo-acidophilic red microalga Galdieriasulphuraria reveals potential for lipid A biosynthesis and unveils the pathway of carbon export from rhodoplasts
Weber, Andreas P. M. ; Oesterhelt, Christine ; Gross, Wolfgang ; Bräutigam, Andrea ; Imboden, Lori ; Krassovskaya, Inga ; Linka, Nicole ; Truchina, Julia ; Schneidereit, Jörg ; Voll, Hildegard ; Voll, Lars ; Zimmermann, Marc ; Jamai, Aziz ; Riekhof, Wayne ; Yu, Bin ; Garavito, R. ; Benning, ChristophIn: Plant Molecular Biology, Jg. 55 H. 1, S. 17-32Freier Zugang zu genetischen Pflanzenressourcen
Weisshaar, Bernd ; Saedler, HeinzIn: GenomXPress, Jg. 2005 H. 3, S. 7-9Global transcript profiling of transgenic plants constitutively overexpressing the RNA-binding protein AtGRP7
Streitner, Corinna ; Hennig, Lars ; Korneli, Christin ; Staiger, DorotheeIn: BMC Plant Biology, Jg. 10 H. 1High-throughput colorimetric method for the parallel assay of glyoxylic acid and ammonium in a single extract
Bräutigam, Andrea ; Gagneul, David ; Weber, Andreas P. M.In: Analytical Biochemistry, Jg. 362 H. 1, S. 151-153Horizontaler Transfer von chromosomalen bakteriellen Genen aus Agrobakterien zu Pflanzen
Huep, Gunnar ; Weisshaar, BerndIn: GenomXPress, Jg. 2008 H. 4, S. 17-19Low-coverage massively parallel pyrosequencing of cDNAs enables proteomics in non-model species: Comparison of a species-specific database generated by pyrosequencing with databases from related species for proteome analysis of pea chloroplast envelopes
Bräutigam, Andrea ; Shrestha, Roshan P. ; Whitten, Doug ; Wilkerson, Curtis G. ; Carr, Kevin M. ; Froehlich, John E. ; Weber, Andreas P. M.In: Journal of Biotechnology, Jg. 136 H. 1-2, S. 44-53Proteomic Analysis of the Proplastid Envelope Membrane Provides Novel Insights into Small Molecule and Protein Transport across Proplastid Membranes
Bräutigam, Andrea ; Weber, Andreas P. M.In: Molecular Plant, Jg. 2 H. 6, S. 1247-1261Regulation of gene expression by photosynthetic signals triggered through modified CO2 availability
Wormuth, Dennis ; Baier, Margarete ; Kandlbinder, Andrea ; Scheibe, Renate ; Hartung, Wolfram ; Dietz, Karl-JosefIn: BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, Jg. 6 H. 1The SNF1-type serine-threonine protein kinase SAPK4 regulates stress-responsive gene expression in rice
Diedhiou, Calliste J. ; Popova, Olga V. ; Dietz, Karl-Josef ; Golldack, DortjeIn: BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, Jg. 8 H. 1, S. 49 ff.Subcellular distribution of the V-ATPase complex in plant cells, and in vivo localisation of the 100 kDa subunit VHA-a within the complex
Kluge, C ; Seidel, Thorsten ; Bolte, S ; Sharma, S. S. ; Hanitzsch, M ; Satiat-Jeunemaitre, B ; Ross, J ; Sauer, Markus ; Golldack, Dortje ; Dietz, Karl-JosefIn: BMC Cell Biology, Jg. 5 H. 1, S. 29 ff.Timing is everything - Die Innere Uhr der Pflanzen
Staiger, Dorothee ; Köster, TinoIn: Labor & More, Jg. 5, S. 40-41