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zu den Filteroptionen26 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften → Medizin und Gesundheit → Medizin und Gesundheit
Editorial: Rolle der Pflege in der Primärversorgung - Internationale Erfahrungen
Hämel, Kerstin ; Schaeffer, DorisIn: Pflege & Gesellschaft, Jg. 22 H. 1, S. 3-4Effect of Length of Stay on Smoking among Turkish and Eastern European Immigrants in Germany—Interpretation in The Light of the Smoking Epidemic Model and the Acculturation Theory
Reiss, Katharina ; Schunck, Reinhard ; Razum, OliverIn: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jg. 12 H. 12, S. 15925-15936The effectiveness of community-based social innovations for healthy ageing in middle- and high-income countries: a systematic review
Ghiga, Ioana ; Pitchforth, Emma ; Lepetit, Louise ; Miani, Céline ; Ali, Gemma-Clare ; Meads, CatherineIn: Journal of health services research & policy, Jg. 25 H. 3, S. 202-210Effects of humorous interventions on the willingness to donate organs: a quasi-experimental study in the context of medical cabaret
Heitland, Lisa ; von Hirschhausen, Eckart ; Fischer, FlorianIn: BMC public health, Jg. 20 H. 1Effects of Installing Height-Adjustable Standing Desks on Daily and Domain-Specific Duration of Standing, Sitting, and Stepping in 3rd Grade Primary School Children
Sprengeler, Ole ; Hebestreit, Antje ; Gohres, Hannah ; Bucksch, Jens ; Buck, ChristophIn: Frontiers in Public Health, Jg. 8The efficacy of an educational program for parents of children with epilepsy (FAMOSES): Results of a controlled multicenter evaluation study
Hagemann, Anne ; Pfäfflin, Margarete ; Nussbeck, Fridtjof W. ; May, TheodorIn: Epilepsy & Behavior, Jg. 64 H. Part A, S. 143-151Der Einfluss postmigratorischer Stressoren auf die Prävalenz depressiver Symptome bei Geflüchteten in Deutschland. Analyse anhand der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung 2016
Nutsch, Niklas ; Bozorgmehr, KayvanIn: Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, Jg. 63, S. 1470–1482 ff.Einheitlicher Kriterienkatalog zur Selbstdeklaration der Qualität von Gesundheits-Apps
Albrecht, Urs-Vito2019The epidemiological impact of childhood influenza vaccination using live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany: predictions of a simulation study
Rose, Markus A ; Damm, Oliver ; Greiner, Wolfgang ; Knuf, Markus ; Wutzler, Peter ; Liese, Johannes G ; Krüger, Hagen ; Wahn, Ulrich ; Schaberg, Tom ; Schwehm, Markus ; Kochmann, Thomas F ; Eichner, MartinIn: BMC Infectious Diseases, Jg. 14 H. 1Epidemiology and cost of seasonal influenza in Germany - a claims data analysis
Scholz, Stefan ; Damm, Oliver ; Schneider, Udo ; Ultsch, Bernhard ; Wichmann, Ole ; Greiner, WolfgangIn: BMC public health, Jg. 19 H. 1Epilepsie und Familie - Familialer Umgang mit chronischer Krankheit und Krankenrolle
Steffen, Hermann-Thomas2015Ethical violations in the clinical setting: the hidden curriculum learning experience of Pakistani nurses
Jafree, Sara Rizvi ; Zakar, Rubeena ; Fischer, Florian ; Zakria Zakar, MuhammadIn: BMC Medical Ethics, Jg. 16 H. 1The EVIDENT-trial: protocol and rationale of a multicenter randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of an online-based psychological intervention
Klein, Jan Philipp ; Berger, Thomas ; Schroeder, Johanna ; Spaeth, Christina ; Meyer, Bjoern ; Caspar, Franz ; Lutz, Wolfgang ; Greiner, Wolfgang ; Hautzinger, Martin ; Rose, Matthias ; Gräfe, Viola ; Hohagen, Fritz ; Andersson, Gerhard ; Vettorazzi, Eik ; Moritz, SteffenIn: BMC Psychiatry, Jg. 13 H. 1