543 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Sozialwissenschaften → Wirtschaft
543 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Sozialwissenschaften → Wirtschaft
11th anniversary of the Journal of Business Chemistry
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 39-2015Accelerating the processes of innovation
Degussa's new bonus system creates innovation incentives for creavis employeesIn: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 21-242004Account management 2.0
from silo thinking to integrated account developmentIn: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 77-862014Adolf Lampe, die Transformationsprobleme zwischen Friedens- und Kriegswirtschaften und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erwin von Beckerath
In: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge, H. Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge, S.2004After COVID, What’s Next for Pharma Supply Chains?
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 73-792022The allocation of decision rights and the role of private enforcement in franchising
perspectives and empirical evidence2005An exploration of the ankle-biters and their role in business ecosystems
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 45-572022Ansätze zur Entwicklung von Workflow-basierten Anwendungssystemen
eine vergleichende DarstellungApril 1997Antezedenzien und Konsequenzen von NGO-Kampagnen
eine empirische Analyse der Beziehung zwischen NGOs und Unternehmen der Bekleidungsindustrie2016Application of Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolution to the theory development of disruptive innovation
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 58-682020Application of timing option to founding investment decision of biotech start-ups
In: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 133-1462011Are behavioral pricing tactics also present in the B2B context?
evidence from a complex chemical B2B productIn: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 3-162016Are you still comparing or already learning?
experience report of a Facility Management benchmarking for laboratory buildingsIn: Journal of Business Chemistry, H. Journal of Business Chemistry, S. 89-982013