21 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
21 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Mathematik
A p-adically entire function with integral values on Qp and entire liftings of the p-divisible group Qp/Zp
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 267-3162020Persistence approximation property and controlled operator K-theory
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 201-2682017Ping-pong in Hadamard manifolds
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 453-4712019The pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra of a reductive p-adic group, II
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 363-3792014The projection calculus
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 557-5812013Projective C*-algebras and boundary maps
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 221-2362008Projective geometry for perfectoid spaces
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 445-4842021A proper mapping theorem for coadmissible D-modules
In: Münster Journal of Mathematics, H. Münster Journal of Mathematics, S. 163-2142019