Advances in Transgenic Mouse Models to Study Infections by Human Pathogenic Viruses
Masemann, Dörthe ; Ludwig, Stephan ; Börgeling, YvonneComplementary Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Models for the Antitrypanosomal Activity of Sesquiterpene Lactones
Kimani, Njogu Mark ; Matasyoh, Josphat C. ; Kaiser, Marcel ; Nogueira, Mauro S. ; Trossini, Gustavo H. G. ; Schmidt, Thomas J.Cyclin A1 shows age-related expression in benign tonsils, HPV16-dependent overexpression in HNSCC and predicts lower recurrence rate in HNSCC independently of HPV16
Weiss, Daniel ; Koopmann, Mario ; Basel, Türker ; Rudack, ClaudiaElectrophysiological correlates of aesthetic processing of webpages: a comparison of experts and laypersons
Bölte, Jens ; Hösker, Thomas M. ; Hirschfeld, Gerrit H. F. ; Thielsch, MeinaldExperimentally induced incomplete burst fractures - a novel technique for calf and human specimens
Hartensuer, René ; Gasch, Adam ; Gehweiler, Dominic Andreas ; Schanz, Steffen ; Schulze, Martin ; Matuszewski, Lars ; Langer, Martin Franz ; Raschke, Michael J. ; Vordemvenne, ThomasGrenzpolitiken und Flüchtlingsschutz
Von der deskriptiven Analyse zur normativen BewertungHoesch, MatthiasInvestigation of biomaterials by human epithelial gingiva cells: an in vitro study
Neunzehn, Jörg ; Lüttenberg, Beate ; Wiesmann, Hans-PeterMusic-induced cortical plasticity and lateral inhibition in the human auditory cortex as foundations for tonal tinnitus treatment
Pantev, Christo ; Okamoto, Hidehiko ; Teismann, HenningNatural radioactivity and human mitochondrial DNA mutations in Kerala (India)
Forster, Lucy ; Kolath, Lucy2004Our Responsibilities to Refugees
Miller, DavidIn: Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”, H. Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop “Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis”, S. 15-Das Papsttum vor den Herausforderungen der Moderne
Wolf, Hubert ; Hu be leu teu Bol peu ; Hubeleuteu-Bolpeu ; Bolpeu, Hubeleuteu ; Polp'ŭ, Huberŭt'ŭThe structural organization of human values - evidence from the European Social Survey (ESS) - updated
Bilsky, Wolfgang ; Janik, Michael2010The structural organization of human values - evidence from the European Social Survey (ESS)
Paper presented at the International Symposium on “Values in Contemporary Social Psychology: Homage to María Ros” December 04, 2008, Madrid, SpainBilsky, Wolfgang ; Janik, Michael2008