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zu den Filteroptionen17 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften → Medizin und Gesundheit → Medizin und Gesundheit
Underreporting of stillbirths in Pakistan: perspectives of the parents, community and healthcare providers
Zakria Zakar, Muhammad ; Zakar, Rubeena ; Mustafa, Mudasir ; Jalil, Aisha ; Fischer, FlorianIn: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Jg. 18 H. 182018University students’ basic psychological needs, motivation, and vitality before and during COVID-19: A self-determination theory approach
Müller, Florian H. ; Thomas, Almut E. ; Carmignola, Matteo ; Dittrich, Ann-Kathrin ; Eckes, Alexander ; Großmann, Nadine ; Martinek, Daniela ; Wilde, Matthias ; Bieg, SonjaIn: Frontiers in Psychology, Jg. 122021Unterschiedliche Sterblichkeit von Menschen mit und ohne Schweizer Pass während der COVID-19-Pandemie
Plümecke, Tino ; Mikosch, Heiner ; Mohrenberg, Steffen ; Supik, Linda ; Razum, Oliver ; Bartram, Isabelle ; Ellebrecht, Nils ; Schnieder, Laura ; Schönberger, Hannah ; Schulze-Marmeling, Charlotte ; zur Nieden, Andrea ; Gutzeit, Andreas2022Using longitudinal progress test data to determine the effect size of learning in undergraduate medical education – a retrospective, single-center, mixed model analysis of progress testing results
Görlich, Dennis ; Friederichs, HendrikIn: Medical Education Online, Jg. 26 H. 12021Using mandatory data collection on multiresistant bacteria for internal surveillance in a hospital
Sagel, Ulrich ; Mikolajczyk, Rafael T. ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Methods of Information in Medicine, Jg. 43 H. 5, S. 483-4852004Utilisation of medical rehabilitation services by persons of working age with a migrant background, in comparison to non-migrants: a scoping review.
Dyck, Maria ; Breckenkamp, Jürgen ; Wicherski, Julia ; Schröder, Chloe Charlotte ; du Prel, Jean-Baptist ; Razum, OliverIn: Public health reviews, Jg. 412020