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zu den Filteroptionen48 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik → Tiere (Zoologie) → Tiere (Zoologie)
Amorous scorpionflies: causes and consequences of the long pairing prelude of Panorpa cognata
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Animal Behaviour, Jg. 63 H. 4, S. 667-675Apparent survival of the salamander Salamandra salamandra is low because of high migratory activity
Schmidt, Benedikt R. ; Schaub, Michael ; Steinfartz, SebastianIn: Frontiers in Zoology, Jg. 4 H. 1Chasing control in male blowflies : behavioural performance and neuronal responses
Trischler, Christine2008Cryptic male choice: sperm allocation strategies when female quality varies
Reinhold, Klaus ; Kurtz, Joachim ; Engqvist, LeifIn: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 15 H. 2, S. 201-209Determinants of sperm transfer in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata: male variation, female condition and copulation duration
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Jg. 16 H. 6, S. 1196-1204Environment-dependent genetic correlations between development time and body mass in a scorpionfly
Engqvist, LeifIn: Zoology, Jg. 110 H. 5, S. 344-353Females benefit from mating with different males in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata
Engqvist, LeifIn: Behavioral Ecology, Jg. 17 H. 3, S. 435-440Foraging under uniform risk from different types of predators
Liesenjohann, T. ; Eccard, J. A.In: BMC Ecology, Jg. 8 H. 1Galápagos and Californian sea lions are separate species: genetic analysis of the genus Zalophus and its implications for conservation management
Wolf, Jochen B. W. ; Tautz, Diethard ; Trillmich, FritzIn: Frontiers in Zoology, Jg. 4 H. 1Genetic variance and genotype reaction norms in response to larval food manipulation for a trait important in scorpionfly sperm competition.
Engqvist, LeifIn: Functional Ecology, Jg. 22 H. 1, S. 070915213639001-???Habitat adaptation rather than genetic distance correlates with female preference in fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra)
Caspers, Barbara ; Junge, Claudia ; Weitere, Markus ; Steinfartz, SebastianIn: Frontiers in Zoology, Jg. 6 H. 1, S. 13 ff.Influence of nutrition on courtship and mating in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata
Engqvist, Leif ; Sauer, Klaus PeterIn: Ethology, Jg. 109 H. 11, S. 911-928